Case Management

Case management is an essential part of BSCC’s services for survivors of human trafficking and quality case managers are vital to the success of the program. Through their case managers, survivors receive assistance with scheduling appointments, arranging transportation to appointments, and ‘crime victim compensation claims’ (when available). The case managers ensure that all medical, dental, mental health, and social service needs are being addressed and that survivors are keeping appointments, attending education classes or skills/job training programs or working. 

All client victims are assigned to the case manager by the Victim Services Coordinator. All client victims are the primary clients of BSCC. Clients are highly encouraged to participate in case consultations, and the array of services available to support them towards their healing process.  All clients are invited to participate and collaborate with their case review/management meetings to assess next steps under our Victim-Survivor-Thriver framework.

BSCC has ongoing referral partnerships with the San Diego District Attorney’s Office, the SDHTTF, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, and Department of Labor among other local and state-based agencies that police human trafficking. Part of this relationship includes the understanding that BSCC case managers assist clients in complying with reasonable requests from these agencies during investigations of human trafficking suspects. The case managers accompany clients to law enforcement interviews as needed, provide emotional support through the investigative process, and ensure the clients’ rights are protected by having legal representation present when necessary.